Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Hmmm Crooked mind of mine....
Okie, the thing here is that, I was eating. After finishing my papers, I started observing the people around. There was this group of 3 old peeps. They were conversing in sign language, so I can assume that they are mute or deaf. Then as usual, my crooked mind started drifting off. Hmm... How cool it is to be able to learn something like that. UNFORTUNATELY, they were born handicapped. FORTUNATELY, such language was invented. UNFORTUNATELY, they have no privacy.
Imagine, you wanting to whisper a secret into your friend's ear. Haiz... Everything that you say, people can see. For speech, one can't eavesdrop on you if they are far. For sign language, I can still know the content of your "conversation" even if I am seated a dsitance from you. How sad is that to have everyone "eavesdropping" on you.
NO PRIVACY AT ALL! sad. But it's really cool to have someone invent such a language. God bless that guy. Erm... whichever God you believe in.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Wow~~ Nice vid....
Those of u who thinks this got anything to do with the nyp one... You WAIT LONG LONG la k? Hahaha This is some nice nice nice touching scenes man. Of course you need a nice nice nice touchable chio bu to go along. WAHAHA. No la. Just plain cute. Like shen tian gong zi. If I got such gf, I would become a vegeterian... ROITE..... Wait lor.. wait.... But of course I know I can't la. You gotta be cute like that guy in the clip. Me??? NOT even C.L.O.S.E~
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Took care of this Down's Syndrome kid for 2 days of the funeral. I also don't know why he was so glued to me. Maybe I bothered to answer all his questions on the first day. Haiz. I pity him. I know how it feels like to be looked at with sympathy in everyone's eyes. I know how it feels like to be looked at, by eyes that gives you weird stares. I don't have Down's Syndrome la. But at times when my rash breaks out, ya... I feel disgusted.
I gotta admit, sympathetic as I was, my patience still ended. I couldn't stand his endless questioning and irritance. Okie. I KNOW I am irritating most of the time. But this time I concede. He basicaly glued to me and irritate. But haiz. What can I do? I can't ask him to go away. I can't bear to hurt his feelings. What mixed feelings I had. All I can say is that, he is not that bad as other kids with DS. I have seen much worse. You attempt to teach them painting and get yourself painted, screamed at, and slapped and scratched. Haiz.
But he was quite cute when we had to follow the van with the coffin. He held so tightly to my hand. He was scared that he had to see the body and told me he did not want to follow. "I want to go home la." Haha. So cute. It's like he has logical thinking of a primary 5 kid (maybe more), but a EQ of a 3 year old. His frontal lobes must be of the same size as his amylgada.
The night when we burnt the offerings, he shouted at his mum. He asked her to shut up. I told him that it was very rude. He was apologetic. =) He knew it was rude. But know why he did what he did? He started complaining to me that his mum would not let him do anything. Haiz.
Enough of him for now.
We cried. Haiz. At that point when the coffin was lifted, a thought came to my mind.
I know. It sounds like the Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu line. But whatever.
Of the four, the seemingly most positive word is "live".
But think of it, if you don't have the most positive word, you can avoid the 3 remaining VERY negative words. Haiz.
Friday, February 24, 2006
More thoughts on customs and life.
My grand aunty broke down and cried. (not his wife la) Haiz. He died peacefully, didn't wake up the next morning. It led me to see how fragile can life be. How suddenly can certain things occur, just like that. He works at my grand aunty's bak kut teh. Then, one fine day, he just didn't appear for work. Haiz.
Why the rites? Does a third dimension really exist? Does the rites really do what they are supposed to do? Or are they only a show for those still alive? Since they are customs, I follow. I just hope he rest in peace.
Then came the burning of the house, car, money, etc. as an offering to my dad's uncle. They distributed canes for us to hit the ground, in an attempt to alert the recipients to come and collect the items. Haiz. Seeing everything going up in flame and hitting the cane on the ground really brings a gush of emotions into me. Life. Now you see it, now you don't.
The coffin gave me many thoughts as well. I thought of many many years down. Haiz. I am already 23 this coming birthday and I have yet to achieve my goals. I have really got to work hard. And so what if I achieved my goals? I will still end up in the box someday. Haiz. If only there is eternal life and no offspring. Aeon Flux may be the suckiest film ever. But I DO wish I could live in that environment.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
For friends, whom I have neglected... For friends, whom I did not neglect.
Sail Sail Sail.... BURNT
Reached Changi Sailing Club at around 1020. *dark clouds looming..* SHIT! Alex wasn't there that that. If it rained, it would mean that I would be playing STUPID orientation games with the participants. Oh how dumb can it get right? They are here for sailing, NOT STUPID ORIENTATION GAMES. Anyway, I forewarned them during theory lessons just in case. I even felt DROPLETS of rain. But warning them before hand, I was actually hoping that with more people praying hard for a "DRY" day, the rain would not come. And it actually didn't rain! With all the dark clouds and all, MAN was I relieved.
Took an Arab guy as my first participant. Amil I think was his name. Funny, I think they apparently thought that they might not get wet, because he wore track pants! I mean who wears track pants to sail. Not unless we are setting sail on a cruise ship. No offense though but I realli had a hard time communicating. He was like going "Yes Yes Yes" at everything I said but when I told him to point or bear, his face went blank. *faint* After the event I heard I made him seasick. Haha. It's not my fault okie. Strong winds and choppy waves. Who can you blame? The bloody Pico mast came off! I was like sailing halfway then I realised, eh? how come the mast looks like it's so weird. FUCK. It's not in the hole. I told Jessica to watch me as I sailed back shore. 5 seconds on the run back.... the mast broke the bracket and down it came... WAHAHAHA. Well done. Back at shore, Shawn came back too. Luckily he came back, his laser's downhaul was not rigged! The daggerboard was not secured! Luckily he didn't capsize man. I took the laser and OUT I WENT! WEE!
Took a girl next. I didn't manage to teach her much. She could barely sail before I had to take the next participant. Didn't manage to talk much also. She was quite cute. Anyway, she was quite crazy. She capsized and she was so happy. She was saying "FUN FUN!" all the way. Haha it was a bit saddistic to me la. But seeing her zest for it, I was quite motivated to teach her well also. PLUS her cuteness made me quite patient. Hahahaha. YA I AM BIASED! SO WAD?! She impressed me by uprighting the Laser by herself okie. I was like stunned. Okie. She is one determined girl.
Next is a big guy. My favourite student for the day. A fast learner. If I can teach them about tell tales, means they learn quite fast. He did a natural turn during tacks. It was not exactly a GOOD one but good enough for a beginner. Apparently, I heard he sailed before. CHEY! But I enjoyed teaching him, because I didn't have much stress when avoiding the yachts and buoys that are around the area.
Next up, YET another big guy. He was a quite a scaredy cat for a guy that big in my opinion. I was quite tired by then, from all the capsizing and repeating the same materials all over. I thought I could let the 3rd guy sail on his own for a while, as I rested. But before I could get a good rest, he was asked to be swapped with this 3rd guy. NOOOO!!!!! *faint* To make this worse, this 4th guy was quite afraid of the rocking of the boat and the boom swinging. Haiz. I give up. You can't learn much when you are in fear. First you have to overcome that fear, control the boat and not let it control you. Go with an attitude that defies death itself, like that zesty girl. I can say, at the end of the day, he wouldn't pass IF there was a test. I wanted to throw him into the water by gybing, till he overcomes his fear. However, I was too tired to do so by then, so I let him handle the boat by himself and play along with the controls. He actually drank some sea water when uprighting, because he forget to let go of the dagger board when the boat uprighted. He went under water of course. Then I took pity on him, though I was extremely frustrated with myself entering the sea so frequently. Oh well, at least my mast didn't break like the other Laser's.

I was totally burnt! How would you like your Hong En sir? Erm, WELL CHARRED! Thanks to the many dips I had that washed off my sun block. Oh ya! I almost lost my cap. Wee Tee picked it up. LUCKY!
At the end of it all, I was pleased! Why? Because I felt like I worked out my abs and lost a few kg. But I ate a nasi lemak after sailing. Ding Tai Feng (5 xiao long bao, chicken soup ramen), Double Cheeseburger meal back at TPY central. -.-'' wasted effort.
Wee Tee successfully contemplated a Jolene throw into the pool, but got kicked in himself. I MANAGED TO EVADE THE LES ATTACK! HAHAHA! Too bad... Too bad~~ =p
(shall update when i get more pictures)
Anyway I woke up today at 1030. Because my mei told me that my dad's uncle died. Haiz. Ate 3 slices of bread. Watched a lil tv. Slept back till 4 pm. Had dinner at food court. Jap food's quality worsen. SADLY. Tori Karaage set, with shisamo, maguro sashimi and iced green tea.
My jogging plans are gone for the next few days because of the funeral. Hmm. I just hope he rest in peace. Was on the car just now, and I was imagining me driving my own car next time with my girlfriend next to me. Haiz. I have the tendency to imagine things that will happen in future. I wonder if I would imagine my death when I am 50.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and fans the bonfire.
Memories seem to grow sweeter with each day of absence. Regret seems to grow stronger with each blast of sweet memory. Of course I am talking about love. Just as it works with love, it works with hatred too. Hatred grows the same way as love.
I am a person of little patience. I no longer have the patience to finish this little entry of mine so I shall end it here. And I have the sudden urge for a gin tonic, a vodka lime, etc. Just a glass of cocktail. Why is it a Monday....
Why am I still single. HAHAHA Based on tickle tests.... quite true
Heng, you're single because you don't want to settle
You, more than others, have a fairy tale fantasy of how things should be. Ever since you were a kid, you've probably dreamed of the perfect wedding, coming home to a white picket fence, dog, and 2.2 kids (how does that work, anyway?). When someone asks what you're looking for, you don't skip a beat: You're likely to have a handy checklist that details your perfect partner. Hair and eye color, height, religion, education, career, interests, the list goes on.
While it's great to have standards — Hey, you shouldn't have to settle, after all — there's one slight glitch in your master plan: No one has made the grade in real life — at least not yet. Next time you're out with someone, keep yourself from mentally checking that list, and give love — and others — a chance. That special someone who you've written off may be perfect for you after all...
Hahaha... Probably... Quite true
Heng, you're looking for a Frisky Fling

You're ready for an adventurous, free-spirited affair to remember. And if it comes in the form of someone who shakes up your world a bit, helps you expand your horizons, then decides to stay for awhile — all the better.
It's not that you don't want a serious relationship. It's just that you might rather get there with someone who's equally committed to having fun for now. Ever wanted to drive up the coast or across your town in a red convertible? Interested in staying at a restaurant so late the chef himself joins you at the table for a late night cappuccino? Or are you really more into a no-strings-attached companion?
For some people, a good fling starts with someone you can spend the whole day in bed with — whether you're under the covers or playing cards in your PJs. But for others a fling is just a light-hearted approach to finding a different way to spend quality time with someone new.
Friday, February 17, 2006
THE Analyst....
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
This person will be gone for a while.

I NEED some time to think things thru'. Haiz. Moody. Under the moon. Dampest slump.
I am actually moody because I missed a chance to say bye. ARGH loser. BYE BYE!
Friday, February 10, 2006
スパdiao.... SUPER DIAO! Grrr...
I was telling bro," Later you see.... confirm will use damn diao way.. cause got me." He didn't believe. Then he saw. Damn curious. What the heck... so 拽 for wad.
Though I damn curious... Maybe is my error in perception. Whether it's my or her cognitive mental process of evaluating me or her diaoness... I am damn curious to find out what is the diao-ness all about. Pardon my english for I can't write well when emotions are involved.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
General Observation
I realised the poor people are increasing in numbers and appearing more often on the streets. Most of them are old. How much more sucky can it get?
I realised that I am unhappy most of the time while some people can be happy most of the time.
I realised my memory is failing day by day.
I realised crime rate are falling but crime news on the papers are increasing absurd.
I realised I am 23 and I have achieved nothing in my 21 years of life besides education. (2 years wasted)
I realised the average male Singaporean leads a pathetic life. Graduate at 24. Work a few years. If going for master degree at 30, how many years of working life you have left till retirement? Not much.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Roller Coaster Day
GOOD MOVE HONG EN! CLAP CLAP! I am so so damn happy I jioed brother to Bugis! WAHAHAHA lalala~ Saw her again! The SUPER DUPER DUPER chio bu! My heart was pounding when I spotted her! BIK POK BIK POK the whole escalator, and I was overjoyed and excited for like 15 minutes after. Oh I was going up and she was going down. I saw her smile at the end of it all… Almost melted… Excited for rest of the day, though there is not much of the day left. No more bio-ing of girls ALL NOT INTERESTED. *ecstasy* *euphoria* *Floating……* OMG
Got home…. REALISED my phone is spoiled! Cannot charge!! ARGH! Please NOOOOOO!~~!!!~! Called Jas to apologize I can’t keep my word. Then I went about searching for warranty card. Sister’s phone’s spoilt. My phone’s spoilt. KAOZ! SAD. In the dumps… Low to the max!
I chatted online for like 1 minute when I decided to try again. HEY! It’s working now! Lalala~ *Charging phone* Wheee~ BACK TO ECSTATIC MODE!!!! WAHAHAHAHA Lalala~ DAY DREAM!
Justified everything I have lived for. A roller coaster ride worth riding. GREAT GREAT day!
[On a side-note: Credit cards are like Prinkles. Once you pop, you can’t stop!]
Frozen Hearts need no tears. Leave my love to die. Crucify it
Words & Music by Yoshiki
Crucify my love - If my love is blind
Crucify my love - If it sets me free
Never know, Never trust
That love should see a color
Crucify my love - If it should be that way
Swing the heartache - Feel it inside out
When the wind cries - I'll say good bye
Tried to learn, Tried to find
To reach out for eternity
Where's the answer - Is this forever
Like a river flowing to the sea
You'll be miles away, and I will know
I know I can deal with the pain
No reason to cry
Crucify my love - If my love is blind
Crucify my love - If it sets me free
Never know, Never trust
That love should see a color
Crucify my love - If it should be that way
'Til the lonliness shadows the sky
I'll be sailing down and I will know
I know I can clear the clouds away
Oh is it a crime to love
Swing the heartache - Feel it inside out
When the wind cries - I'll say good bye
Tried to learn, Tried to find
To reach out for eternity
Where's the answer - Is this forever
If my love is blind
Crucify my love - If it sets me free
Never know, Never trust
That love should see a color
Crucify my love - If it should be that way
Friday, February 03, 2006
Marketing techniques.....
Anyway sitting behind was this damn cute boy. Hahaha it started with him coughing. Then I turned back and his aunt/mum asked him to apologise to me. Then his hand came over and I tapped his fingers. Hahaha. Then he went, " Who touch me?!" Hahaha. In his baby toddler's #@&%)!@ kind of voice of course. So cute! Soon we started playing! Hahaha. Show you peeps his pictures. I doubt his parents will mind la since I am promoting his cuteness.

After that, went for a movie, I Not Stupid 2. I don't think I need to say the title because the whole world seems to be watching it. But it is really nice. Since so many people are watching it, I bet you have heard about it so much that there is no need for my persuasion. So ya.
If you're opening a eatery, be like hard rock. Sell sucky food never mind. Play sucky music that is not even rock never mind. Just have to have to have an ANOSA waitress. Just have to shower cute kids with gifts so they come back and brighten up the place.
Went bugis just now. Enter Sembawang music... The Koda Kumi cd was beside the 大长今 cd. Both are selling 3 cds for the price of 1. But the Koda Kumi one was 10 dollars more than the 大长今 . If it's 32.90 and 2.90, I think I also will buy Koda Kumi. Who in the right mind will buy 大长今?!?! For free I also need to consider if my house has the capacity to hold such crap. What a great marketing technique. Put a piece of shit beside a grass, the grass also will look like a flower. It's like how some people like to choose not-so-pretty friends to take pictures with.

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