Sunday, November 26, 2006

Route to success - The very basics [My thoughts] : Part 1

Books, testimonials, blah blah blah, everyone's talking about being rich, successful and of course alive and enjoying the fruits. Why do people want to get rich? Simple. Survival. A look into the most simplest of science textbooks will show that the human being or any other cock-lived living being needs water, food, etc. to survive. And considering that we, human beings, do not live in those cock-lived primitive jungle, nor do we get fed by farmers or pet-owners, we have no other choice of survival. Our only way out as history has made it, through transactions. And many thanks to the inventor of money, we now only need to direct our greed and our instincts for survival only to one commodity in this world, instead of running around like mad dogs for different commodities.

So that lays a path for the setting, money for survival - the scientific way. And I bet all ya psychologists, sociologists, etc out there are going to disagree to some extent. True. Humans need other things to live other than food and water and air. Imagine being enclosed in a cubicle but being provided with all the basic scientifically proven necessities, FOR GOODNESS SAKE, I'm no vegetable. Even a human vegetable that lies on the hospital bed can response to their family voices and hopefully wake up one day. Why? Because they are humans. Duh. Ok, and so you love your family, do you say? Give them love... Allllll the love you have. And we shall see in this ol' great experiment on how they eat, breathe and drink love and live. So ultimately, the conclusion still boils down to the scientific fact. Horray for science. Double horray for economics, it's easier to chase one thing than run around after infinite things right?

Now digest.....and stay tuned for the next episode of 'The very basics'. Or as some would call it "Common Sense".

Gawd I must be bored. Toodles.


I DON'T LIKE LEMONS! Not a single bit! Why why why... why a lemon of all things? DON'T LIKE LEMONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(P.S. Why don't I like lemons, you say? Because lemons shouldn't exist in this PRESENT ECONOMIC WORLD! )

So many mad rantings lately. I CAN'T HELP IT. I JUST DON'T LIKE LEMONS.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Science, Math, WHATEVER

The triangle is rounder than the straight line. The square is rounder than the triangle. The pentagon is rounder than the square. The hexagon is rounder than the pentagon. The octagon is rounder than the infinity and beyond~~

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