Monday, July 31, 2006
We went to e ZOoo~
Okie this is a super backdated blog. WHY? coz ali baba me is so lazy to update my blog these days. LOL. so lazy to resize e pictures as well. went to e zoo with my baby last last Sunday. (23rd July) =] So tiring you know to walk here and there. Lol we were like so dumb. Running from one show to the next show, to this feeding to that feeding. Trying our best to catch them all.
Our tickets.... Lo and behold... entry~~ baby's leg wanna get some association with the animals.

It was worth taking the ride on the horse carraige. Good feeling =)
Dear is so scared of the horse LOL!! Notice e distance.
She's an elephant freak. She took like 20 shots of phants...
Stupid bat was like hanging on the tree, with his .... hanging there too..
I think the most exciting times of the day is the feeding sessions of the king cobra and the crocs.
But the pics were too blurred by the stupid glass for the snake and the crocs one... heh, we were too engrossed to take pics. There were like 2 king cobras, then when the keeper fed ..he had to use this long stick to extend the snake meat out to one. All went well, till one finished a piece faster and wanted to snatch the other's food. Then they fought. True that they are immune to each other's poison.. BUT ouch la... the poor snakey got punctured..
The crocs were damn scary too. The way they snap their jaws.. BAM! so loud and swift. Those were aligators. Then on to the crocs. Dunno which weirdo went to inject adrenalin or steriods into the crocs I think, the keeper jumped in to feed the crocs. He is a brave man I admit. The crocs were so hyper active that they were tagging him here and there. He had to have other keepers throw the meat else where to distract one while he tries to feed the other.
Okie... Probably I didn't sound convincing enough... But wadeva.. Haha I am too lazy to make it real and exciting.. You want your hair to stand? Go see for urself.. Really shiok. Adrenalin rushing feeling. toodles peeps... shall end with some love~~~ =)

But the pics were too blurred by the stupid glass for the snake and the crocs one... heh, we were too engrossed to take pics. There were like 2 king cobras, then when the keeper fed ..he had to use this long stick to extend the snake meat out to one. All went well, till one finished a piece faster and wanted to snatch the other's food. Then they fought. True that they are immune to each other's poison.. BUT ouch la... the poor snakey got punctured..
The crocs were damn scary too. The way they snap their jaws.. BAM! so loud and swift. Those were aligators. Then on to the crocs. Dunno which weirdo went to inject adrenalin or steriods into the crocs I think, the keeper jumped in to feed the crocs. He is a brave man I admit. The crocs were so hyper active that they were tagging him here and there. He had to have other keepers throw the meat else where to distract one while he tries to feed the other.
Okie... Probably I didn't sound convincing enough... But wadeva.. Haha I am too lazy to make it real and exciting.. You want your hair to stand? Go see for urself.. Really shiok. Adrenalin rushing feeling. toodles peeps... shall end with some love~~~ =)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

i love u dear... report sucks! and i am still at it.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I love my baby alot.
I realli love ya alot dear. You noe the amount of efforts and tots i put into our r/s. I can sense the same for you too. I noe each time i hurt you, it gets more and more numb. I noe and appreciate alot of the things you done for me. From things like worrying about a simple sore throat to things like accustoming to my lifestyle.
I love my dear so so much.
I love my dear so so much.
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